GNR 621 - Hydrosphere , Cryosphere And Atmosphere

Physical and chemical properties of atmosphere, particulates, clouds, remote sounding of temperature and composition of atmosphere, weather systems, meteorological studies and green house effect, hydrological cycle, fresh water reserves, precipitation (rain / snow) measurement and spatial/temporal variation, evaporation, infiltration and surface rainfall runoff, surface storage and utilization, aquifers shallow and deep aquifer, ground water potential mapping, abstraction and recharge estimation and conservation, impacts due to extreme events, snow cover, snow properties, snow melt runoff, land ice, polar ice sheets, remote sensing applications in integrated water management, impacts of climate change on urban and rural water supply, wetlands (coastal and fresh water), coast and coastal resources, marine resources and environment, beach-sand minerals and estuarine health .

  • Text / References:
  • Cracknell, A.P. Ed., Remote Sensing in Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology Halsted Press, John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
  • Singh, V.P. Elementary hydrology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1994.
  • Vaidyanathan A. Indias water resources: contemporary issues on irrigation, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2006
  • Engman, E.T. and Gurney, R.J. Remote sensing in Hydrology, Chapman & hall, London, 1991.
  • Todd, D.K. Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley., 1980.
  • Nagarajan, R. Water Conservation, Use and Management for Semiarid Regions, Ms. Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2006.