GNR 617- Image Interpretation Laboratory

Identification of data sets for the task, Preparation of the Base Map,Identification of Landuse/Landcover based on Tone, Texture, Pattern,Association, Color etc. Mapping Geology, Geomorphology, Lithology and Soil,Study of Spectral Behavior of Terrain ? Water, Vegetation, Rocks, Soil, Effect of Topography on Spectral Behavior of Terrain.

  • Text / References:
  • T.E. Avery and L.B. Graydon , Fundamentals of Remote Sensing andAirphoto Interpretation , Prentice Hall , 1992 .
  • Earth Manual, U.S.Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, 1965.
  • R.N.Colwel (Ed.), Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol. I, 3 rd Edition., American Society of Photogrammetry, 1985.