GNR 411 Integrated Coastal Management(ICM)

Coastal and ocean scenario: coastal geomorphologic processes and land cover, biological, physical and chemical aspects of oceans, marine pollution, causes and impactsCoastal hazards- cyclones, storm surges, tsunami, shoreline change and sea level changes, salt water intrusion, wetlands and their role in marine ecological systems , carbon cycle, ocean atmosphere interactions and global warming, El Nino La Nina, Need and basic concepts of ICM, ICM history, prevalent legislations, case studiesUse of Remote Sensing and GIS in ICM.

  • Text / References:
  • Krishnamurthy R.R. Glavovic, B.C., Kannen, A., Green, D.R., Ramanathan, A.L., Zengcui Han, Stefano Tinti and Tundi Agardy,Integrated coastal zone management, Research Publishing Services, 2008
  • Murthy C.R., Sinha P.C., Rao Y.R., (ed.), Modeling and monitoring of coastal marine processes, Capital Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2008
  • Miller R.L., Del Castillo E. and Mckee B.A., Remote sensing of coastal aquatic environment, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007
  • Cicin-Sain, B.and Knecht R., Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management, Island Press, Washington DC, 1998
  • Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 5th Edn., John Wiley and Sons, Singapore, 2004.
  • Mitch W.J. and Gosselink J.G., Wetlands, John Wiley and Sons, NY, 2000