Institute Elective

Introduction to Geospatial Technologies and Applications (GNR 630)

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, spatial data sources and models, spatial data analysis and applications, GPS principles and applications, introduction to satellite remote sensing, sensors and resolution, image processing methods classification, accuracy assessment in GIS and GPS, change detection; applications of GIS, remote sensing and GPS in resources management, environmental monitoring, optimal site selection, rural and urban development.

  • Text / References:
  • Chang K., Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2006.
  • Lo, C.P. and Yeung, A.K.W., Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, Prentice-Hall, Inc., NJ, 2002.
  • Richards, J.A. and Jia, X., Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis, 4th ed., Springer, 2006.
  • Lillesand, T. and Kiefer, R.W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 5th edn., 2004
  • Introduction to GPS, Ahmed El-Rabbany, Artech House, 2002
  • Global Positioning System: theory and practice, Hofman-Wellenhof. B., Wein Springer 2001